Members Area

Official LSOG members may view all sections of the website as well as view each others’ profiles. Being an official member means having paid the standard member fee in 2015/2016.


Local Meetings & Events August - October 2011

LSOG launches the "Cervical cancer prevention national campaign" with the societies of Ped, FM, GP, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, LOP, WHO, UNFPA, and the support of "Think Again" campaign.

The campaign will include three main strategies: Primary prevention, secondary prevention/screening, and early treatment and referral. All of us will be involved and details when finalized will be posted on our website

Finalization of the "Training Module on Emergency Ob" for WHO.

Refresher course will follow all over Lebanon in the primary health care setting. Those interested can express their interest to LSOG

LSOG is supporting Medical Association in the South in a one day seminar on Breast Health

LSOG seminar on reproductive medicine and operative surgery addressed to colleagues Kesrwan Jbeil area

LSOG is organizing in collaboration with UNFPA and Ministry of Information a workshop on "Woman's Health in the Media"

It aims to train and guide media on the proper approach of woman's health issues