Members Area

Official LSOG members may view all sections of the website as well as view each others’ profiles. Being an official member means having paid the standard member fee in 2015/2016.


Local Meetings & Events March - May 2011

3rd South Contraception Day (3eme Journee de Contraception du Sud) - (LSOG in collaboration with Association des Medecins Diplomes des Universites de France and FSP, LU, section IV, Saida)

Launching of the cervical cancer campaign - Lebanese Order of Physicians’ scientific committee, in collaboration with LSOG, LSP, LSFM, LSGP and the Ministry of Public Health

Deuxieme Congres Doncologie Francophone (COF2)

Regional Meeting by the National Collaborative Perinatal Neonatal Network (NCPNN)

LSOG and UNFPA meeting “Towards a national agenda on women’s health and well-being

Four studies in Gender Based Violence in Lebanon, by UNFPA and NCLW

LSOG meeting with the RCOG international officer for possible collaboration on women ′ s health issues.